We believe it's easier to invite someone to dinner at your house than to invite them to a worship service in a church building. That's why our House Groups meet for dinner and worship in homes that are right around the block from where you live.
Church Can Happen Anywhere, and we'd love for you to visit us this week. New worship series are starting soon and new House Groups are forming in 2019. Get updates by liking us on Facebook and by following us on Instagram. Check out our Calendar for upcoming events and click on the tabs below to see when and where we meet. |
NeighborhoodsThese House Groups meet in residential neighborhoods. We share dinner, pray for one another, and learn together.
RestaurantsEvery Monday & Wednesday, we meet in a restaurant or coffee house for dinner & drinks, and God-talk with the curious.
CommunityWe partner with local community organizations to host meals and gatherings in shared spaces.